
Overview of APIs: Applications and Key Advantages in Software Development

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    In today’s world of programming and application development, Application Programming Interface (API) plays an unexpectedly crucial role, serving as an invisible bridge between software, enabling them to communicate and work together efficiently. But what exactly are APIs and how do they work? Let’s explore through the following article.

    What Are APIs and Common Types of APIs

    API, short for Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and functions that allow one application to “talk” to another. They are mechanisms that define how two applications communicate, exchange data, or request and respond to data. APIs are prevalent in various fields, from web and desktop to mobile applications and peripherals.


    APIs can be divided into four types:

    1. Public APIs: Available for everyone to use without authentication or fees.
    2. Partner APIs: Reserved for authorized third parties for business or collaboration purposes.
    3. Private APIs: Used internally between systems within an organization or company.
    4. Composite APIs: Aggregate and manage multiple APIs to provide a comprehensive solution.

    The Specific Operation Mechanism of APIs

    The specific operation of an API involves two basic elements: request commands and responses. For instance, when you use a map application on your phone, the app sends requests to the server via an API to retrieve map information. Subsequently, the server responds by sending the map information back to your app.

    API consists of common methods such as

    • GET: Retrieve data from the server.
    • POST: Send data to the server.
    • PUT: Update data on the server.
    • DELETE: Delete data on the server.

    From the above, you can see that APIs are an indispensable part of building cross-platform and multifunctional applications today. Not only do they facilitate integration and development of systems more easily and quickly, but APIs also bring significant benefits in fostering innovation and scaling application scope.

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