Quickly Convert Files with File Converter

Introducing File Converter

File Converter is a multifunctional, easy-to-use application accessible from the right-click menu. Supporting almost all types of media files including videos, audios, images, and documents, this tool allows for quick format conversion. Being an open-source software, it enables users to customize and develop new features.

How to Use File Converter

  • Step 1:Navigate to the provided link to download and install File Converter.
  • Step 2:Select the file you wish to convert, right-click and choose File Converter. Then select the desired output file format.
  • Step 3:The file will be converted and saved in the same folder as the original.
  • Share key Warp+

Supported Formats:

File Converter supports converting a wide range of audio, video, image, and document formats into different formats, including mp4, wav, jpg, png, pdf, and more.

Audioflac, aac, ogg, mp3, wav3gp, 3gpp, aac, aiff, ape, avi, bik, cda, flac, flv, gif, m4v, mkv, mp4, m4a, m4b, mp3 mpg, mpeg, mov, oga, ogg, ogv, opus, rm, ts, vob, wav, webm, wma, wmv
Videowebm, mkv, mp4, ogv, avi, gif3gp, 3gpp, avi, bik, flv, gif, m4v, mkv, mp4, mpg, mpeg, mov, ogv, rm, ts, vob, webm, wmv
Imagepng, jpg, ico, webparw, bmp, cr2, dds, dns, exr, heic, ico, jfif, jpg, jpeg, nef, png, psd, raf, svg, tif, tiff, tga, webp, pdf, doc*, docx*, odt*, odp*, ods*, ppt*, pptx*, xls*, xlsx*
Documentpdfdoc*, docx*, odt*, odp*, ods*, ppt*, pptx*, xls*, xlsx*, arw, bmp, cr2, dds, dns, exr, heic, ico, jfif, jpg, jpeg, nef, png, psd, raf, svg, tif, tiff, tga, webp

Customizing Settings:

Customize the settings of File Converter to suit your file conversion needs, from changing the output file format to the accepted original file formats.

File Converter

The application is translated by community members in 11 languages:

fr-FRFrenchAdrien Allard, Sylvain Pollet-Villard
pt-PTPortugueseKhidreal, hugok79
zh-CNSimplified ChineseSnoopy1866, jie65535
zh-TWTraditional ChineseSedimentary-Rock, jie65535


File Converter is an indispensable tool for managing and converting files. With File Converter, you can easily handle any file conversion scenario. Try it today and experience its convenience!