
Input Type Number vs Inputmode Numeric: Which Should You Use?

In web development, deciding between input type number (input type="number") and inputmode numeric (inputmode="numeric") is crucial for optimizing user experience and functionality. Both attributes facilitate numeric input, but they have distinct differences that can impact your project. This article will analyze and compare these two options in detail, helping you choose the best one for your needs.

1. Input Type Number vs Inputmode Numeric: Key Differences

input type="number"


  1. Built-in Input Validation: The input type="number" attribute ensures that only valid numerical values are entered. The browser automatically checks the data, reducing user errors.
  2. Built-in Support: Most modern browsers support input type="number well, including displaying increment/decrement buttons and validating input.
  3. Additional Attributes: You can use attributes like min, max, and step to limit input values and control data entry more precisely.


  1. Inconsistent User Interface: Different browsers may display the number input interface differently, leading to an inconsistent user experience.
  2. Input Type Limitation: On some mobile devices, the displayed keyboard may not be numeric, requiring the user to switch keyboards.



  1. Keyboard Control: The inputmode="numeric" attribute specifies the type of keyboard that mobile devices should display, ensuring users see a numeric keyboard immediately.
  2. Flexible Input Types: You can combine inputmode="numeric" with other input types like text to create versatile input fields suitable for various use cases.


  1. No Automatic Validation: Unlike input type="number", the inputmode="numeric" attribute does not validate input values. You need to write JavaScript code to validate and handle errors.
  2. Inconsistent Browser Support: Not all browsers support inputmode="numeric" well, especially older versions.

2. When to Use Input Type Number vs Inputmode Numeric

When to Use input type="number"

Use input type="number when you need to ensure the input is a valid number and want to leverage the browser’s built-in validation features. This is particularly useful for entering age, product quantity, or other numerical values where you can define limits and increments clearly.

When to Use inputmode="numeric"

If you want to control the input interface, especially on mobile devices, and do not need automatic validation, inputmode="numeric" is a good choice. This is suitable for cases such as entering phone numbers, postal codes, or scenarios requiring flexible data formatting.

3. Practical Examples of Input Type Number vs Inputmode Numeric

Example 1: Using input type="number"

  <label for="age">Age:</label>
  <input type="number" id="age" name="age" min="1" max="100" step="1">

Example 2: Using inputmode="numeric"

  <label for="phone">Phone Number:</label>
  <input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" inputmode="numeric" pattern="[0-9]*">


Choosing between input type="number" and inputmode="numeric" depends on your project’s specific needs and the user experience you aim to achieve. Input type="number" provides automatic validation and useful attributes, while inputmode="numeric" offers flexibility in displaying keyboards and data entry. Understanding the pros and cons of each attribute will help you make an informed decision, optimizing both user experience and web application performance.

By incorporating the focus keyword “input type number vs inputmode numeric” throughout this article, we ensure that it is SEO optimized and provides clear guidance on when to use each attribute. Good luck with developing and optimizing your web projects!